
What is QAdmissions®?

QAdmissions is a clinical risk prediction tool which calculates an individual’s risk of emergency admission to hospital over the next one or two years.  The algorithm can be used to identify patients at high risk of an emergency admission so that they can be assessed in more detail to help reduce their risk.

QAdmissions was developed and validated to run off routinely collected data already available in GP computer systems.

Why has QAdmissions® been developed?

Emergency hospital admissions cost approximately £11,000,000,000 a year in England; and they are also potentially distressing to individuals. In 2013, NHS England announced a new Enhanced Service Specification to reward GP practices for the identification and case management of patients identified as seriously ill or at risk of an emergency admission.

As part of this, GPs needed to undertake regular risk profiling and risk stratification of their patients. One problem which has beset all existing risk algorithms for emergency admissions is the practical difficulty in implementing them in primary care since they have not been designed to run off routinely collected data already in GP computer systems or validated in that setting.

We therefore decided to develop and validate a new risk prediction algorithm to predict the absolute risk of emergency admissions to hospital which could run off data that:

  1. can be automatically populated using data solely from GP computer systems and so provide an expedient practical alternative where primary care data are not routinely linked to secondary care data; and
  2.  incorporate clinically relevant variables which the health professional can then follow up.


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Read the academic paper describing its development and validation here:

the BMJ Open paper